...ThE DaYs oF mY LiFE...

'coz life comprises of days and days consist of activity. And as Leontiev (quoted by Fichtner, 1999) said,"The fundamental 'unit' of life process is the acivity of the organism". So this blog is for personal purpose of reflecting and analyzing myself through the use of my daily activities.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Seriously High Risk Infection to Your PC & Network

These days your computer might be at risk of another virus spreading via internet (including brontok). But today there is another serious viral thread. This virus, classified as worm, is named Nyxem or Kama Sutra or MyWife. This cruel and nasty virus is able to erase you documents in the format of: .exe , .zip, .ppt , .xls. etc.
(See, it attacks most of our file formats used for daily activities)

Click Here To find out more about the symptoms, what it does, and how to cure your computer manually (it requires a bit of registry editing and could become to complex for those not familiar with this stuff)

But if you choose to automatically remove this thread download a virus removal tools provided by bitdefender here.

See you and good luck.


Do you know that American Government spend more than 20,000 US$ funding per student annually for tertiary-level education? Still the percentage number of high-school leavers continuing their education to universities and colleges is outnumbered by their Scandinavian fellows.

[Andreas Schleicher--in his article for Newsweek Special Issues 2006 Edition]

Hmmmmm what about Indonesia?
Well, according to Sampoerna Foundation only 3.39% of total Indonesia's population are higher education graduates. (so tiny percentage huh?)
And even more, we are lacking of higher education graduates with high competitive skills produced by world class universities.

The difference between Developed & Developing Countries

In the future the world shall not be classified into: developed, developing & underdeveloped countries. But we shall put them into: smart, smarter, and smartest countries.

[Sir John Rose--Director of Rolls-Royce, quoted by Thomas L. Friedman for his article in Newsweek Special Issues Edition of 2006]

This implies the fundamental position of knowledge and innovation in a global competition.